Entities, What they are and What to Do March 2020

By Vital Village Metaphysical Shoppe (other events)

Thursday, March 26 2020 5:30 PM 8:30 PM CDT

Entities (Discarnate Souls) get attached to us from past lives, family members and environments we find ourselves in. Entity clearing allows a healing practitioner to channel souls that are in your energy field that may have a strong influence on your thoughts and feelings.

Over the last couple of centuries our planet has lost the art of helping the deceased. There is much controversy in the psychic community whether it is up to us to help them or just leave them alone. As a Light Worker Reiki Master, I have been assisting the "no longer incarnate" to cross over and get on with their journey. It is my opinion that they are coming into my space as a healer asking for help, and I do help them by passing on any messages, as well as safely transitioning them across with help from "the other side".

Come participate in a discussion about recognizing entities, what are the main ones, and how to handle the situation when it arises. There are things we will talk about so you can recognize when an entity is near or attached (a hitchhiker), and learn to release it safely.

You can create a space that is uncomfortable for entities to come into, establish boundaries about when to help them, and who you will help, as well as any other questions that arise about this topic. I will teach you a technique to follow when you encounter an entity so you know what to do when the time comes. Sound fun? Spooky? Its actually quite a respectful process that respects many old texts such as the "Tibetan Book of the Dead" as well as the "Egyptian Book of the Dead", as well as things I've learned along the way from other Death Doulas, and Reiki Masters who were "called" to cross over spirits.

This will be particularly beneficial for Reiki Practioners and Masters, and other Healers who might need to work with this topic. Eliminate the fears while developing the skills.

Mailing Address

Vital Village Metaphysical Shoppe 960 St. Mary's Road