This period between the Full Moon on Dec 12th to Dec 21st is such an important portal where we are releasing our last decade and in some respects a lifetime of old negative and karmic energies. We are ushering in a new decade full of possibilities, and timeline hops into better feeling realities. This is our decade! 2020 is going to be the turn we've been hoping for and it is already beginning in big ways.
Using Crow as our Guide, and the mystical energies to walk between the worlds, we will explore the new 5D world that has manifested, and help Lady Gaia move up into the place she is now ascending which is the 7th dimension, which is also known as 7th Heaven.
We will take a trip into the Akashic Records, and as a collective together go to the places on our own personal timelines where we need to heal and release the most, and then travel on the timeline to the place with the best possible reality for our future.
I do hope you can join us to usher in the best 2020 ever!!